Covenant - Only Jesus Christ

Vision - Raise absolute disciples to save culture

Dream - Establishment of the next generation of Remnants who can save the future as spiritual leaders through spiritual training. Becoming one team that makes an evangelism system and raising up new disciples in fields.

Image - The Spiritual condition that hold on the covenant and realization of prayers of Acts 1:14

Practice - Spiritual summit who enjoy Message Pulpit / Immanuel 1, 2 message / Business message / Core message, Prayer Journal, 3 Today’s (Word, Prayer, Evangelism), Holy meditation (deep breath with prayer)


언약 - 오직 예수그리스도

비전 - 문화를 살릴 절대제자들을 세우는 R.A.M 

- 영성훈련 속에서 차세대 렘넌트들과 함께하여 이 시대를 책임질 영적인 리더로 세우고, 멘토와 렘넌트가 하나의 팀이 되어 문화현장 속에서 전도 시스템을 세우고, 또다른 제자를  세우는 문화 선교하는 R.A.M (문화/다민족 선교사)

실현 - 언약을 마음에 담은 영적상태, 사도행전 1:14의 기도 속으로 들어가는 R.A.M

실천 - 메시지(강단/임마누엘 1,2부/산업/핵심), 기도수첩, 3오늘, 묵상(깊은호흡/기도)을 누리는 영적서밋

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